Plug more than one point into the original equations to show that the equations can have more than one solution.


For the equation 7x+3=7x+3:

Let's plug in x=0:

7(0)+3 = 7(0)+3
0+3 = 0+3
3 = 3

The equation is true when x=0.

Now let's plug in x=1:

7(1)+3 = 7(1)+3
7+3 = 7+3
10 = 10

The equation is true when x=1.

So, we have multiple solutions for this equation.

For the equation 3(4x+8)=4(3x+6):

Let's plug in x=0:

3(4(0)+8) = 4(3(0)+6)
3(8) = 4(6)
24 = 24

The equation is true when x=0.

Now let's plug in x=1:

3(4(1)+8) = 4(3(1)+6)
3(12) = 4(9)
36 = 36

The equation is true when x=1.

So, we have multiple solutions for this equation as well.