The Byzantine Empire Rises and Falls Quick Check Answers

1. What factors led to the rise of the Byzantine Empire?

- The decline of the Western Roman Empire allowed the Byzantine Empire to emerge as a new political and cultural power.
- The strategic location of Constantinople, which provided access to both Europe and Asia, allowed the Byzantines to control important trade routes.
- The strong and centralized Byzantine government under Justinian I fostered the empire's growth and expansion.

2. How did the Byzantine Empire contribute to the preservation of Greek and Roman culture?
- The Byzantines preserved and copied ancient Greek and Roman texts, leading to the preservation of many important works of literature, philosophy, and history.
- Byzantine scholars and theologians studied and expanded upon the works of ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.
- Byzantine artists and architects were heavily influenced by the classical styles of Greek and Roman art, leading to the creation of magnificent structures and artworks.

3. What factors led to the fall of the Byzantine Empire?
- The Byzantine Empire faced numerous invasions from outside forces, including the Arabs, Bulgarians, and Crusaders, which weakened its defenses and stretched its resources thin.
- Internal conflicts, such as the rivalry between different factions within the Byzantine ruling class, led to political instability and weakened the empire.
- Economic decline and financial mismanagement also contributed to the empire's fall.

4. What impact did the fall of the Byzantine Empire have on Europe?
- The fall of the Byzantine Empire marked the end of the Eastern Roman Empire and the final collapse of the Roman Empire as a whole.
- The Ottomans, who had conquered Constantinople, expanded their empire into southeastern Europe and posed a threat to the remaining European powers.
- Many Byzantine scholars and intellectuals fled to Western Europe, bringing with them knowledge of Greek and Roman texts and contributing to the Renaissance.