what does property mean in 3 rd grade math

example 4+8= 12 find the property


Technically, I would say the Equivalence Property is the correct answer. But at third grade, I wonder if the teacher is focusing on the Additive property. Ask the student if he/she has heard these terms.

The properties are like identitive property or commutitive property and stuff like that but in this cause it is Identitive property. Trust me I'm in 5th grade and I'm a safety patrol.

identify the property 25+___=25

In 3rd grade math, the term "property" refers to the different rules or relationships that numbers and operations follow. There are four main properties in math: commutative, associative, identity, and distributive.

To find the property in your example of 4+8=12, we can look at the commutative property. This property states that the order of the numbers being added or multiplied does not affect the result. In other words, we can change the order of the numbers without changing the sum or product.

In this case, the commutative property of addition tells us that 4+8=8+4. So we can say that the commutative property is being applied here.

To further explain how to determine which property is being used, you can look at the numbers and operations involved in the equation and analyze the patterns or changes that occur. In a more complex equation, you may need to look for other properties such as the associative property, identity property, or distributive property.