A. The boy trembled as he hid under his bed, hoping to avoid his impatient mother and the appointment with the creepy dentist.

B. The home team won the basketball game in the last seconds, and the fans began a celebration.

C. The trail in the woods was hidden beneath the snow; and the hikers, who were lost, began to blame each other.

True or False?

1. True or False - Each story element interacts with and affects the others.

2. True or False - Plot and setting are story elements.

3. True or False - The setting is the sequence of events in a story.

4. True or False - When you analyze a text you examine it closely.

1. True - Each story element interacts with and affects the others. Elements like setting, plot, and characters are all interconnected and impact the overall story.

2. True - Plot and setting are story elements. Plot refers to the sequence of events that make up the story, while setting is the time and place in which the story takes place.

3. False - The setting is not the sequence of events in a story. The setting refers to the time and place in which the story takes place, while the sequence of events is part of the plot.

4. True - When you analyze a text, you examine it closely to understand its meaning, implications, and literary devices used by the author.