Xander reached a final velocity of 4.5 m/s for 3.5 seconds. Finley reached a final velocity of 3.6 m/s for 4.2 seconds. Max reached a final velocity of 7.3 m/s for 1.2 seconds. They all started at the same location from rest.

Which lists them from least to most acceleration?

Max Finley Xander
Max Xander Finley
Xander Finley Max
Finley Xander Max

Xander reached a final velocity of 4.5 m/s for 3.5 seconds. Using the equation vf = vi + at, where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time, we can solve for the acceleration:

4.5 = 0 + a(3.5)
a = 4.5/3.5
a ≈ 1.29 m/s²

Finley reached a final velocity of 3.6 m/s for 4.2 seconds, so:

3.6 = 0 + a(4.2)
a = 3.6/4.2
a ≈ 0.86 m/s²

Max reached a final velocity of 7.3 m/s for 1.2 seconds, so:

7.3 = 0 + a(1.2)
a = 7.3/1.2
a ≈ 6.08 m/s²

Therefore, the correct order from least to most acceleration is:

Finley Xander Max