A student is writing an argumentative report about the effect of greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand. She found sources for her report. Select each source to indicate whether it is relevant or not relevant to the topic.

1. A blog by a sheep farmer in New Zealand who has had the farm in his family for more than five generations
2. An article from a scientific journal about the biological methane and nitrous oxide emitted by livestock in New Zealand
3. An interview with the senior citizens in New Zealand who report on the changed in the local air during their lifetime
4. An essay written by a high school teacher contemplating the punishment for farmers responsible for extra methane emission

1. Not relevant - While the blog may provide anecdotal information about the sheep farming industry in New Zealand, it does not directly address greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Relevant - The article specifically discusses the biological methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock in New Zealand, which are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Not relevant - The interview with senior citizens focuses on changes in the local air quality during their lifetime, but it does not necessarily address greenhouse gas emissions or their effect on New Zealand.
4. Not relevant - The essay contemplates punishment for farmers responsible for extra methane emissions, which is not directly related to the overall effect of greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand.