which characteristics of the author's style do the following lines reflect? "For his father had a point; the only person who didn't take Gogol seriously, the only person who tormented him, the only person chronically aware of and afflicted by the embarassment of his name, the only person who constantly questioned it and wished it were otherwise, was gogol." 1. direct; 2. realistic; 3. sympathetic; or 4. fictional

Based on the given lines, the characteristics of the author's style reflected are:

1. Direct: The author presents the information straightforwardly, without embellishment or figurative language.
2. Realistic: The language used is practical and relates to everyday situations and emotions.
3. Sympathetic: The author shows understanding and empathy towards the character of Gogol, as the only person tormented by his name.
4. Fictional: The passage describes the thoughts and emotions of fictional characters, contributing to the overall fictional nature of the passage.