In My Father Writes to My Mother, think about what you learned about the role of women in the societies described in the selection.In your first paragraph, fully explain how women were treated and how they were expected to behave. Support your analysis with at least one correctly cited quote from the text.

In your second paragraph, describe how the women coped with the conflicts they encountered. Support your analysis with at least one correctly cited quote from the text.
Finally, in at least one complete paragraph compare and contrast these observations with your culture. What aspects are the same and what aspects are different? Again, support your comparisons and contrasts with evidence. For this paragraph, anecdotal evidence is acceptable.

In the selection "My Father Writes to My Mother," we learn about the role of women in the societies described, which include Southeast Asia, East Africa, and the Persian Gulf region. Women in these societies were often treated as second-class citizens and were expected to behave in ways that conformed to traditional gender roles. They were primarily seen as domestic caretakers, expected to prioritize their role as mothers and wives over their personal desires or ambitions. This is evident when the author's father writes, "Polite women should remain agrarian and shouldn't leave... the kitchen smoke." (p. 64) This quote highlights the expectation for women to confine themselves to the domestic sphere and focus on household tasks. It implies that their primary responsibility is to maintain the household and cater to the needs of their families.

Within the conflicts they encountered, women found different ways to cope. Some women tried to find happiness within the limitations of their societal roles. This is exemplified in the selection with the author's mother, who, despite the challenges of her life, finds solace in her embroidery. The text states, "She embroidered to keep herself from sulking... she embroidered because she didn't want to remember." (p. 64) This quote suggests that the mother sought refuge and distraction through her embroidery, using it as a form of escape from the hardships she faced.

In my culture, which is also influenced by traditional gender roles, we observe some similarities and differences when compared to the societies described in the selection. Like in these societies, women are often expected to prioritize their family responsibilities, such as taking care of children and managing household chores. However, in my culture, there is also a greater emphasis on women's education and career opportunities. Women are encouraged to pursue higher education and enter the workforce, allowing for greater independence and personal growth. This is different from the societies mentioned in the selection, where women's ambitions were often limited to their domestic roles.

Furthermore, in my culture, women have more freedom to express themselves and make choices about their own lives. They are not confined to a single path or expected to conform to specific gender roles. This is in contrast to the societies described, where women were expected to conform to traditional expectations and had limited agency in their own lives.

Overall, while there are similarities in terms of the expectations placed on women in different societies, there are also notable differences in terms of women's freedom, opportunities, and autonomy. It is essential to recognize and address the cultural context that shapes these roles and expectations, and work towards greater gender equality and empowerment for women globally.