On a scale drawing, the length of a playground is represented as 7.2 centimeters. If the actual length of the playground is 18 meters, what is the scale of the drawing

Let's use the scale x centimeters represents 1 meter of the actual length.

Since the actual length of the playground is 18 meters, this means that on the scale drawing, the length of the playground should be represented as 18 * x centimeters.

We know that on the scale drawing, the length of the playground is represented as 7.2 centimeters.

So, we can set up the following proportion to find the value of x:
x/1 = 7.2/18

Cross multiplying, we get:
18x = 7.2

Dividing both sides by 18, we get:
x = 7.2/18

Simplifying, we have:
x = 0.4

Therefore, the scale of the drawing is 0.4 centimeters represents 1 meter.