Find 93•87 using mental math.

To find 93 • 87 using mental math, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by multiplying the digits in the ones place: 3 • 7 = 21.
2. Write down the ones digit of the result (which is 1) and carry over the tens digit (which is 2).
3. Multiply the tens digit in the first number (9) with the ones digit in the second number (7): 9 • 7 = 63.
4. Add the carried-over tens digit (2) to the result: 63 + 2 = 65.
5. Write down the tens digit of the result (which is 5) and carry over the remaining hundred digit (which is 6).
6. Finally, multiply the hundreds digits in both numbers: 9 • 8 = 72.
7. Add the carried-over hundred digit (6) to the result: 72 + 6 = 78.
8. Write down the hundreds digit of the result (which is 78) and combine it with the previously written digits: 7851.

Therefore, 93 • 87 = 7,851.