What is the value of x in the solution to this system of equations?

y=-3x +14
A. 2.5
B. 6.5
C. -2.5
D. -6.5

To solve this system of equations, we can substitute the value of y from the first equation into the second equation and solve for x.

Substituting -3x + 14 for y in the second equation gives us:

3x - 5(-3x + 14) = -25

Expanding and simplifying the equation gives us:

3x + 15x - 70 = -25

Combining like terms gives us:

18x - 70 = -25

Adding 70 to both sides gives us:

18x = 45

Dividing both sides by 18 gives us:

x = 45/18

Simplifying the fraction gives us:

x = 2.5

Therefore, the value of x in the solution to this system of equations is 2.5.

The answer is A. 2.5.