2. A summary should not include personal opinions or biases to maintain accuracy. and why

A summary should not include personal opinions or biases to maintain accuracy because it is essential to present information objectively and impartially. Including personal opinions or biases in a summary can distort the facts and mislead the readers. Readers rely on summaries to get a concise and accurate understanding of the main points of a text or event. By excluding personal opinions or biases, the summary can provide a fair representation of the original information, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on the facts presented.

1 sentence

A summary should not include personal opinions or biases to maintain accuracy as it allows readers to form their own opinions based on the presented facts.

This good?

2. A summary should not include personal opinions or biases to maintain accuracy. This is because it allows readers to form their own opinions based on the presented facts.

Yes, that is a concise and accurate statement summarizing the importance of excluding personal opinions or biases from a summary. It emphasizes the role of maintaining accuracy and the significance of enabling readers to form their own opinions. Well done!