
Donell is investigating bear sightings in a park. In Year 1, there were 48 bear sightings. In Year 2, the number of bear sightings increased 25% from Year 1. In Year 3, there were 30 more sightings than Year 2.

What was the percent increase from Year 2 to Year 3?

In Year 2, the number of bear sightings increased 25% from Year 1, which means there were 48 + (48 * 0.25) = <<48+(48*0.25)=60>>60 bear sightings in Year 2.

In Year 3, there were 30 more sightings than Year 2, so there were 60 + 30 = <<60+30=90>>90 bear sightings in Year 3.
To find the percent increase from Year 2 to Year 3, we calculate (90 - 60) / 60 * 100% = 30 / 60 * 100% = 0.5 * 100% = 50% increase. Answer: \boxed{50}.