What about this source might make it less useful as evidence of the living conditions of migrant farm workers during the Great Depression?


There is no specific source mentioned in the question, so it is not possible to provide a specific reason that might make it less useful as evidence of the living conditions of migrant farm workers during the Great Depression. However, there are some general factors that can make a source less useful as evidence:

1. Bias: If the source has a clear bias or agenda, it may present a one-sided or distorted view of the living conditions of migrant farm workers. This can make it less reliable as evidence.

2. Lack of credibility: If the source is not credible or reliable, it may not provide accurate information about the living conditions of migrant farm workers. It is important to evaluate the author's expertise and the source's reputation before accepting the information as evidence.

3. Insufficient information: If the source does not provide enough detail or context about the living conditions of migrant farm workers, it may not be useful for understanding the topic fully. It is important to have comprehensive and detailed information to make credible conclusions.

4. Limited scope: If the source focuses on a specific region, group, or aspect of migrant farm workers' living conditions during the Great Depression, it may not provide a representative picture of the overall conditions. It is necessary to consider multiple sources and perspectives to form a comprehensive understanding of the topic.