In 5-6 sentences explain the role that trade played in the development of the transatlantic triangular trade and the Middle Passage and explain the long lasting impact of the trade. (6 points) (6 points)

Trade played a pivotal role in the development of the transatlantic triangular trade and the Middle Passage. The triangular trade involved the exchange of goods between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Raw materials like sugar, tobacco, and cotton were produced in the Americas and sent to Europe. In return, manufactured goods, such as guns, textiles, and alcohol, were sent to Africa as part of the trade. This trade created a cycle of dependency, where Africa provided laborers (slaves) for the plantations in the Americas.

The Middle Passage refers to the brutal journey across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were subjected to. This journey was an integral part of the transatlantic trade as it facilitated the transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas. The conditions aboard the slave ships were unspeakable, with cramped and unsanitary conditions leading to high mortality rates. This inhumane treatment had a profound impact on the physical and mental well-being of those enslaved.

The long-lasting impact of the transatlantic triangular trade and the Middle Passage can still be felt today. Economically, the trade contributed to the growth of European economies by exploiting the labor and resources of Africa and the Americas. The slave trade also contributed to the development and wealth of European colonies in the Americas. Socially, the trade established a lasting perception of racial hierarchy and discrimination, with Africans being treated as property rather than human beings. This legacy of racism and inequality is still deeply rooted in society. The trade also disrupted African societies, with many communities losing their strongest members through enslavement. Additionally, the economic and political inequalities created by the trade continue to impact African countries, hindering their development and contributing to ongoing poverty and instability.