What is tone? (1 point)

a type of figurative language in which a non-human object is given human qualities
• the time and place in which a story takes place
• the author's attitude toward the subject
• a comparison between two otherwise unlike people, objects, or places

The correct answer is:

• the author's attitude toward the subject

What is an allusion? (1 point)

• a brief or indirect reference to a well-known person, character, or event
• a comparison between two otherwise unlike objects, people, or places
• a struggle between two opposing forces
• the literal definition of a word

The correct answer is:

• a brief or indirect reference to a well-known person, character, or event

What is an analogy? (1 point)

the feeling or idea that a word suggests
a lesson or message than an author expresses through the literary elements of the text
O a comparison between two otherwise unlike objects, people, places, or things
• a brief or indirect reference to a well-known person, character, or event

The correct answer is:

• a comparison between two otherwise unlike objects, people, places, or things