Why did the United States become involved in Mexico's civil war? Select 2 awnsers

1) Economic Interests: The United States had significant economic interests in Mexico, particularly in areas like mining, oil, and agriculture. American corporations and investors had substantial investments in Mexican industries, and the U.S. government was concerned about protecting these economic interests during the civil war. The U.S. intervention aimed to ensure stability and protect American economic interests in the country.

2) National Security Concerns: The U.S. government also had national security concerns related to Mexico's civil war. During the early 20th century, Mexico experienced political instability, which led to fears of potential spillover effects, including increased violence and the spread of revolutionary ideologies to neighboring countries like the United States. The U.S. government became involved in Mexico's civil war partly to prevent such instabilities from reaching its borders and to safeguard its national security interests.

just give me the awnsers

1) Economic interests

2) National security concerns