How could an observer distinguish the home of a rich Inca from a regular citizen?

(1 point)

homes of the wealthy were made with wood
homes of the wealthy were made with wood

homes of the wealthy had no trapezoid shapes
homes of the wealthy had no trapezoid shapes

homes of the wealthy had stone roofs
homes of the wealthy had stone roofs

homes of the wealthy had no mortar
homes of the wealthy had no mortar

homes of the wealthy had more elaborate and decorative designs


I apologize for the incorrect response. Let me provide a revised answer:

An observer could distinguish the home of a rich Inca from a regular citizen based on the following factors:
- Size and grandeur: The homes of the wealthy Inca would generally be larger and more impressive in terms of scale and architecture compared to those of regular citizens.
- Location: The homes of the rich would often be situated in prime locations, such as near important temples or in centralized areas of Inca cities.
- Materials and construction: The wealthy Inca would use more durable and expensive materials for their homes, such as finely crafted stonework, while regular citizens might have homes made from more readily available materials like adobe or thatch.
- Decorations and embellishments: The homes of the rich Inca would be adorned with fine textiles, intricate carvings, and decorative elements, showcasing their wealth and status.
- Access to resources: The wealthy Inca would have access to more resources and amenities within their homes, such as private gardens, bathing areas, or specialized rooms for ceremonies or meetings.

By considering these factors, an observer could distinguish the home of a rich Inca from that of a regular citizen.

witch one is it

Based on the given options, the correct answer would be:

-homes of the wealthy had stone roofs