What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

to allow former slaves the right to vote

to grant former slaves a piece of southern land

to repeal the black codes

to assist former slaves with getting jobs, education, food, and clothing

The purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to assist former slaves with getting jobs, education, food, and clothing. It aimed to provide support and resources to help newly freed African Americans transition to freedom and gain economic independence.

waht is the nswer

The answer is that the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to assist former slaves with getting jobs, education, food, and clothing.

What was the primary goal of the Radical Republicans’ reform programs?

to prevent freed slaves from owning land after the Civil War

to establish equality under the law for freed African Americans

to recognize outstanding military leaders of the Confederacy

to restore white southern representation in Congress

The primary goal of the Radical Republicans' reform programs was to establish equality under the law for freed African Americans. They sought to ensure civil rights for newly emancipated slaves and to dismantle the remnants of the Confederate government and society.

what is the answer

The answer is that the primary goal of the Radical Republicans' reform programs was to establish equality under the law for freed African Americans.

Why did sharecropping lead to a cycle of poverty?

No one shared the tools, seed, or fertilizer needed to be successful.

Crop prices were low, which prevented farmers from being able to pay off debts.

There was not enough land for everyone

All of the options provided can contribute to the cycle of poverty in sharecropping. However, the option "Crop prices were low, which prevented farmers from being able to pay off debts" specifically highlights a significant factor. Sharecropping often led to an economic cycle where farmers would be unable to generate enough income from their crops due to low crop prices. As a result, they would struggle to pay off debts, leading to continued reliance on the landowner and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.