Raymond buys bottles of water at $2.10 each and a large pizza at $12.99. The total cost was $21.39. How many bottles of water b did he buy? (1 point) 2.10b+12.99 = 21.39; 4 bottles 2.10+ 12.99b = 21.39; 4 bottles 2.10c = 21.39 + 12.99; 6 bottles 21.39 2.10b= 12.99; 16 bottles

Let b be the number of bottles of water Raymond bought.

The cost of the bottles of water is 2.10b.
The total cost of the bottles of water and the pizza is 2.10b + 12.99.
2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39
Subtract 12.99 from both sides: 2.10b = 21.39 - 12.99
2.10b = 8.40
Divide both sides by 2.10: b = 8.40 / 2.10
b = 4
Therefore, Raymond bought 4 bottles of water.