what happend in iraq most immediatley after saddam hussein was removed from power

After Saddam Hussein was removed from power, Iraq faced significant challenges and underwent a series of events. Here are some immediate developments:

1. Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) established: The United States-led Coalition Provisional Authority was formed as the governing body in Iraq. It was headed by an American administrator, L. Paul Bremer, and consisted of international members.

2. Disbanding of the Iraqi military: The CPA disbanded the entire Iraqi military and security forces, which left many unemployed and aggravated sectarian tensions. This action contributed to the rise of armed militias.

3. Rise of insurgency and sectarian violence: As power vacuums emerged, various sectarian and insurgent groups began to launch attacks against coalition forces, leading to a sectarian civil war. These groups included Sunni insurgents, Shia militias, and foreign jihadists.

4. Formation of the Governing Council: The CPA established the Iraqi Governing Council, a transitional authority composed of Iraqi politicians from diverse backgrounds. However, the Council had limited power and faced criticism for being a puppet of the occupying forces.

5. Execution of Saddam Hussein: Saddam Hussein was captured by U.S. forces in December 2003 and eventually put on trial. He was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006, for crimes against humanity related to the 1982 massacre in the village of Dujail.

6. Transitional period and political developments: Iraq underwent several transitional phases, including the transfer of limited sovereignty to the Iraqi Interim Government in 2004, the election of the Transitional National Assembly in 2005, and the ratification of a new constitution in 2005. Finally, the first post-Hussein parliamentary elections were held in December 2005.

7. Increased insurgency and sectarian violence: The period following Hussein's removal saw an escalation in insurgent attacks and sectarian violence, notably the Al-Askari Mosque bombing in Samarra in 2006, which triggered widespread sectarian clashes.

It is important to note that the consequences of Saddam Hussein's removal extended far beyond the immediate aftermath, with continued violence, political instability, and the emergence of extremist groups like ISIS in later years.