How do the respiratory system and circulatory system interact?(1 point) Responses In the lungs, carbon dioxide is transferred to the blood and carried by red blood cells. Once it is distributed, the red blood cells pick up oxygen and transport it back to the lungs, where is transferred to the lungs so it can be exhaled. In the lungs, carbon dioxide is transferred to the blood and carried by red blood cells. Once it is distributed, the red blood cells pick up oxygen and transport it back to the lungs, where is transferred to the lungs so it can be exhaled. In the lungs, air is transferred into the blood stream, where red blood cells deliver it to the heart. The heart then separates the oxygen and sends it to the organs, while sending the waste back to the lungs to exhale. In the lungs, air is transferred into the blood stream, where red blood cells deliver it to the heart. The heart then separates the oxygen and sends it to the organs, while sending the waste back to the lungs to exhale. In the lungs, oxygen is transferred to the blood and carried by red blood cells. Once it is distributed, the red blood cells pick up carbon dioxide and transport it back to the lungs, where is transferred to the lungs so it can be exhaled. In the lungs, oxygen is transferred to the blood and carried by red blood cells. Once it is distributed, the red blood cells pick up carbon dioxide and transport it back to the lungs, where is transferred to the lungs so it can be exhaled. The respiratory sy

stem and circulatory system interact by exchanging gases and nutrients. In the lungs, oxygen from inhaled air is transferred to the blood and carried by red blood cells. The oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart to various organs and tissues in the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product produced by cells, is picked up by red blood cells and transported back to the lungs. In the lungs, carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen and exhaled from the body. This continuous cycle ensures that the body receives oxygen for cellular respiration and eliminates carbon dioxide waste.