One week, Genesis earned $367.40 at her job when she worked for 22 hours. If she is paid the same hourly wage, how many hours would she have to work the next week to earn $584.50?

To find the number of hours Genesis would have to work the next week to earn $584.50, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the number of hours she would have to work the next week.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

367.40 / 22 = 584.50 / x

Now, we can cross multiply:

367.40 * x = 22 * 584.50

Dividing both sides by 367.40 gives:

x = (22 * 584.50) / 367.40

x ≈ 34.91

Therefore, Genesis would have to work approximately 34.91 hours the next week to earn $584.50.