Wha,t is post harvest technology of yam?

Post-harvest technology of yam refers to the various practices and techniques employed to preserve, store, process, and market yam after it has been harvested. These technologies are aimed at reducing losses, maintaining quality, and extending the shelf life of yam tubers. Some common post-harvest technologies used for yam include:

1. Curing: After harvest, yam tubers are usually allowed to undergo a curing process to heal wounds and develop their characteristic flavor and texture. Curing is typically done by exposing the yam to heat and humidity for several days, either in the field or in a specialized curing chamber.

2. Cleaning and Sorting: Post-harvest technology involves cleaning the yam tubers to remove dirt and other impurities. Sorting is also done to remove damaged or diseased tubers, ensuring only healthy yams are processed or sold.

3. Storage: Yam tubers are highly perishable, and proper storage techniques are crucial to maintain their quality. Traditional storage methods include stacking yams in well-ventilated pits or mounds covered with straw or leaves. Modern storage techniques involve the use of cold storage facilities or modified atmosphere storage to slow down sprouting and decay.

4. Processing: Yam can be processed into various forms to increase its shelf life and value. Common processing techniques include drying, boiling, roasting, or making yam flour or paste for further use in food products.

5. Packaging: Proper packaging is essential to protect yam tubers during transportation and storage. Packaging materials should be moisture-resistant and provide adequate ventilation to prevent spoilage and sprouting.

6. Transportation: Post-harvest technology also includes proper handling and transportation practices to minimize physical damage and maintain the quality of yam tubers during transit.

7. Marketing: Post-harvest technologies aim to improve the marketability and value of yam. This involves grading yam according to size, quality, and variety, and providing proper labeling and branding for consumer information.

Overall, post-harvest technology plays a critical role in maximizing the economic benefits of yam production by reducing losses and ensuring the availability of high-quality yam throughout the year.