Which quote from lies retelling of Orpheus, and Eurydice shows how Orpheus used his music to accomplish a goal

A- he knew what it was when he met the wood nymph Eurydice and for the first time felt the joy of love
B- at once she was carried away to the underworld, the dark region of the dead
C- Cerberus dropped his three heads low ceased snarling for a moment and let him pass
D- others maintain that Orpheus had reached the sunlight and turned to Eurydice believing that she was out to

Based on the given options, the quote that shows how Orpheus used his music to accomplish a goal is option C: "Cerberus dropped his three heads low ceased snarling for a moment and let him pass." This quote indicates that Orpheus was able to use his music to soothe and tame Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the underworld, allowing him to pass and continue his journey.