Use the words below in short sentences on the topic when I have grown up.

1. impute
2. crescendo
3. advocate
4. adumbrate
5. relocation
6. reputation
7. vociferous
9. putative
10. allocate
11. evocation
12, umbrage

1. I don't appreciate when people try to impute their mistakes onto me when I have grown up.

2. During my childhood, my love for music gradually reached a crescendo, and I haven't stopped playing since.
3. As I have grown up, I have become an advocate for equal rights and justice.
4. The dark clouds adumbrate an approaching storm, reminding me of the unpredictable nature of life as I have grown up.
5. Relocation has become a frequent occurrence now that I have grown up and started my career.
6. Maintaining a good reputation is crucial as I have grown up and entered professional life.
7. I have realized the importance of speaking up for what I believe in and have become more vociferous in sharing my opinions as I have grown up.
8. The excrescence in my garden is an eyesore and needs to be removed as I have grown up and developed a sense of aesthetics.
9. The putative benefits of exercise have become even more apparent to me as I have grown up and become more health-conscious.
10. It's important to allocate time for self-care and relaxation as I have grown up and faced more responsibilities.
11. Certain scents can trigger memories and evocations of my childhood as I have grown up and experienced more in life.
12. I took umbrage at the comment made about my abilities, as I have grown up, I have become more confident in my skills and don't let such remarks affect me.