If 3% of a number equals 15, find 12% of that number.

To find 12% of a number, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let the number be represented by "x".

We know that 3% of the number is equal to 15, so we can write the equation: (3/100) * x = 15

To find 12% of the number, we can set up another proportion using the equation: (12/100) * x = y

By cross multiplication, we can solve for "y":
(12/100) * x = y
12x = 100 * y
12x = 100y

Since we know that (3/100) * x = 15, we can substitute this value into the equation to solve for "y":
12x = 100y
12 * (3/100) * x = 100y
(36/100) * x = 100y
0.36x = 100y

Now we can solve for y by substituting the value of "x" from the first equation:
0.36x = 100y
0.36 * 15 = 100y
5.4 = 100y
y = 5.4

Therefore, 12% of the number is 5.4.