Plessy vs Ferguson

Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

In the case of Plessy vs Ferguson, the key individuals involved were Homer Plessy and Judge John Howard Ferguson. Plessy was an African American man who challenged Louisiana's segregation laws, while Ferguson was the judge presiding over the case.

The event involved Plessy intentionally sitting in a whites-only train car in violation of the law. He was subsequently arrested and brought before Judge Ferguson, where he argued that the segregation laws were unconstitutional. However, the judge did not agree and upheld the legality of segregation. This established the "separate but equal" doctrine, stating that segregation was legal as long as facilities for different races were deemed equal in quality.

The event took place in the state of Louisiana, specifically on a train traveling from New Orleans to Covington.

Plessy vs Ferguson occurred in 1896.

This event is crucial to Georgia's history because it contributed to the legal and cultural framework of segregation in the United States. The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy vs Ferguson allowed for the implementation of Jim Crow laws across the South, including in Georgia. These laws enforced racial segregation in every aspect of life, from schools and transportation to public facilities, and had a profound impact on African Americans' lives in the state. The repercussions of this event lasted for decades until the Supreme Court finally overturned the separate but equal doctrine with Brown vs Board of Education in 1954.