george, the german elector of _________ became king of Britain

would it be Hanover

Right. Hanover is correct.

You're also right about this one: Cromwells title was Lord Protector

Political party which opposed the ascension of james II. _ _ _ _ _

Cromwells, title would be Lord Protector, right?

oh, sorry.


I'm having trouble on this one. The earl of_____ was the leader of the tories. It only has 5 letters

spread false stories of roman Catholic plots: it has 5 letters, the 2nd letter is a and the last one is s.

This act made it illegal to hold an individual in prison without trial:

It has 12 letters and the 2nd letter is A

The act of_________ stated that only an Anglican could hold the English Throne:it has 7 letters

The act of_______ joined the england and scotland into the united kingdom of grat britain: I think it is actofunion

Right. Act of Union

This act made it illegal to hold an individual in prison without trial:

It has 12 letters and the 2nd letter is A : Habeas Corpus

what made parliament stronger than the monarchs