In the text you read this about the Olive Branch Petition:

After much debate, the delegates sent a petition to King George. In the Olive Branch Petition, they declared their loyalty to the king and asked him to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

George III was furious when he heard about the petition. The colonists, he raged, were trying to begin a war “for the purpose of establishing an independent empire!” The king vowed to bring the rebels to justice. He ordered 20,000 more troops to the colonies to crush the revolt.

What was the impact of the Olive Branch Petition?

(1 point)

It declared independence from Britain for the first time.
It declared independence from Britain for the first time.

It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.
It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.

It caused there to be a brief break in the fighting.
It caused there to be a brief break in the fighting.

It weakened the Continental Congress.

It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.

The impact of the Olive Branch Petition was that it failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.

The correct answer is:

It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the passage you provided. The passage states that after much debate, the delegates sent a petition, known as the Olive Branch Petition, to King George III. They declared their loyalty to the king and asked him to repeal the Intolerable Acts. However, when King George III heard about the petition, he was furious. He believed that the colonists were trying to start a war to establish an independent empire, and he vowed to bring the rebels to justice. He ordered an additional 20,000 troops to the colonies to crush the revolt.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the impact of the Olive Branch Petition was not successful in achieving peace but rather angered King George III, leading to further escalation of tensions between the colonists and the British government. Hence, the correct answer is that the petition failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.