How does Bilbo lead the spiders away from the captured dwarves?

In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," Bilbo Baggins uses his wit and stealth to rescue the captured dwarves from the spiders of Mirkwood Forest. Here's how Bilbo leads the spiders away:

1. Bilbo uses his ring: Bilbo possesses a magical ring, which makes him invisible when he wears it. He puts on the ring, becoming invisible and thus harder to detect by the spiders.

2. He provokes the spiders: Using stones and his voice, Bilbo taunts the spiders and throws projectiles to attract their attention. This lures the spiders away from the dwarves and towards him, thus creating a distraction.

3. Bilbo leads the spiders into a chase: As the spiders start pursuing him, Bilbo runs through the forest, expertly navigating the trees and confusing his pursuers. He takes advantage of his smaller size and agility to stay ahead of the spiders.

4. He uses his sword: While leading the spiders, Bilbo draws his small Elven blade, Sting, and occasionally slashes at the spiders to keep them engaged and focused on him.

5. Bilbo leads the spiders to the river: Knowing that spiders fear water, Bilbo makes his way towards the riverbank. He sprints to the river's edge, where he jumps onto a floating barrel, safe from the spiders. The spiders, unable to cross the water, are effectively lured away from the captured dwarves and unable to reach Bilbo.

In this way, Bilbo successfully leads the spiders away from the captured dwarves, ensuring their temporary safety until he can devise a plan to rescue them from the Wood-elves' prison.