Determine which phrase is an equation.(1 point)


two pairs of jeans for $25 and three shirts for $15
two pairs of jeans for $25 and three shirts for $15

two pairs of jeans for $25 each and three shirts for $15 each
two pairs of jeans for $25 each and three shirts for $15 each

Two pairs of jeans and three shirts cost the same as one pair of boots.
Two pairs of jeans and three shirts cost the same as one pair of boots.

Each pair of boots costs $150.

Two pairs of jeans and three shirts cost the same as one pair of boots.

Using substitution, which number from the set {15, 25, 35, 55} makes the equation y+15=40 true?(1 point)







Using substitution, which number from the set {6, 13, 18, 26} makes the equation 2x+5=31 true?(1 point)







Priscilla has a number riddle for her friends. She wants them to guess what number she is thinking of. She tells them that her number can be represented by the x in the equation 3x−10=26 . Her friends guess {6, 12, 13, 36} . Using substitution, which guess was the correct number?(1 point)





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Represent the solution to the equation x+34=1712.(1 point)


A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 1 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 1 over 2 end fraction.
Image with alt text: A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 1 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 1 over 2 end fraction.

A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 1 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 5 over 6 end fraction.
Image with alt text: A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 1 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 5 over 6 end fraction.

A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 1 to 3 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 14 over 6 end fraction between 2 and 3.
Image with alt text: A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 1 to 3 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 14 over 6 end fraction between 2 and 3.

A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 2 in increments of fifths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 7 over 5 end fraction between 1 and 2.
Image with alt text: A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 0 to 2 in increments of fifths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at start fraction 7 over 5 end fraction between 1 and 2.
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A number line with arrows at both ends is shown ranging from 1 to 3 in increments of sixths. Only the whole numbers are labeled. A closed circle is plotted at $\frac{14}{6}$ between 2 and 3.