During the groups three visits to the clearing, what happens?

the hobbit

In J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," the group's three visits to the clearing, also known as the glade, refer to their encounters with the individual known as Beorn. Here's what happens during these visits:

1. First Visit: The group, consisting of Bilbo Baggins and the Thorin Oakenshield's company of dwarves, arrives at Beorn's house after escaping from the goblins and Wargs in the Misty Mountains. Beorn, who is a skin-changer and can transform into a bear, lives in the woods in a clearing. He welcomes them and allows them to stay in his house. During their stay, Beorn provides them with food, shelter, and supplies.

2. Second Visit: The group departs from Beorn's house and heads toward the Lonely Mountain. They stay the night in the forest, and the following morning, Beorn catches up with them in his bear form. He warns them about the dangers ahead and gives them a group of ponies and supplies to aid their journey.

3. Third Visit: After the group successfully retrieves the treasure from Smaug the dragon and the Battle of Five Armies ensues, they return to Beorn's house to recuperate. Beorn, in his human form this time, is pleased to see their success and offers them his aid. He then leads an army of his animal allies to join the battle and helps the group in the fight against the goblins and Wargs.

Overall, the visits to the clearing, specifically Beorn's house, provide the group with assistance, supplies, and allyship in their quest for the Lonely Mountain.