Which statement best analyzes the foreign policy of Clemente Attlee compared to that of Winston Churchill?

Clement Attlee's foreign policy differed significantly from that of Winston Churchill. Attlee, who took office as the British Prime Minister in 1945, was known for his active pursuit of decolonization and the dismantling of the British Empire. He aimed to grant independence to various colonies, including India, Pakistan, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Burma (now Myanmar). Attlee's foreign policy was driven by a desire to promote self-determination and national sovereignty for former colonies.

In contrast, Winston Churchill, who served as Prime Minister during World War II, held a more traditional and imperialistic approach to foreign policy. Churchill strongly advocated for the preservation of the British Empire and opposed decolonization efforts. He believed in the importance of maintaining British power and influence across the globe to maintain stability and protect British interests.

Overall, Attlee's foreign policy can be characterized as more focused on decolonization and granting independence to former colonies, while Churchill's foreign policy aimed at preserving and strengthening the British Empire.