You've hit the nail on the head with the lesson of being cautious about what you post on social media. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences before sharing anything online, as it can have a significant impact on various aspects of our lives. However, while employers need to have a glimpse into an individual's character through their social media, it's equally vital to respect privacy and ensure that personal lives are not unfairly judged based on online content alone. Transparency and open communication, like the relationship you have with your boss, can provide a more holistic understanding of someone's character and trustworthiness.

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You've perfectly captured the important lesson of exercising caution when sharing content on social media. It is crucial to carefully contemplate the potential repercussions before posting anything online, as it can tremendously influence different aspects of our lives. However, while employers may seek insight into an individual's character through their social media activity, it is equally important to respect privacy and refrain from unfairly judging someone's personal life based solely on their online presence. By fostering transparency and open communication, akin to the relationship you have with your boss, a more comprehensive understanding of someone's character and reliability can be formed.