I have Instagram, snapchact, and youtube. I have them to connect with friends, to stay entertained, and learn new things i have never seen or heard berfore, and to try differnet things. I don't think i would like my boss just cheecking my social media sites. I think it would be different if me and my boss was friends, and i would know that my boss wasn't going to judge me based off of my digital presence. If i was an employer i would not go around checking my employyes social media sites. Everyone desrves privacy. And if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing the time they are at work, then I wouldn't care what they did on social media. As long as they don't affect my company with what they are doing on social media on their own time.

Respond to this post in three to five good sentences about how you agree or disagree with them.

I agree with your perspective on social media and privacy. It is important to have the freedom to express ourselves and share personal experiences without the fear of judgment or consequences from our bosses. Everyone deserves privacy and autonomy over their own digital presence. As long as employees are fulfilling their responsibilities and not negatively affecting the company, their social media activities should not be a concern for employers. Trust and open communication are crucial in a professional relationship, and invading one's social media privacy can lead to a breach of that trust.