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How do humans influence cycles of matter?
1 point
water withdrawn from lakes and streams
clear vegetation (forests and other plants) ~ deforestation
burning fossil fuels and wood
runoff of animal waste, fertilizer, and sewage into surface water
fill in wetlands
None of these

- Water withdrawn from lakes and streams: Humans influence the water cycle by withdrawing water from lakes and streams for various purposes such as agriculture, industry, and household use.

- Clear vegetation (forests and other plants) - deforestation: Humans influence the carbon and nutrient cycles by clearing vegetation, particularly through deforestation. This alters the overall balance of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, and affects nutrient availability in ecosystems.
- Burning fossil fuels and wood: Humans significantly impact the carbon cycle by burning fossil fuels and wood, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change.
- Runoff of animal waste, fertilizer, and sewage into surface water: Humans influence the nutrient cycle by contributing to water pollution through the runoff of animal waste, fertilizers, and sewage. This runoff introduces excess nutrients into surface water, leading to issues such as eutrophication.
- Fill in wetlands: Wetlands play a crucial role in the water cycle and contribute to nutrient cycling. Humans impact these cycles by filling in wetlands for various purposes such as urban development or agriculture.

Therefore, the correct options are:
- Water withdrawn from lakes and streams
- Clear vegetation (forests and other plants) - deforestation
- Burning fossil fuels and wood
- Runoff of animal waste, fertilizer, and sewage into surface water
- Fill in wetlands