How did the technological advancements listed below advance imperialism?

Question 11 options:


Europeans would sell or trade new medicines to their colonies.


Europeans would take natural resources from their colonies to make better weapons and transportation.


Europeans would build transportation (train tracks, ports) in their colonies


All of the above

d) All of the above

These technological advancements advanced imperialism in various ways:

a) Europeans selling or trading new medicines to their colonies allowed them to gain more control and influence over the health and well-being of the indigenous population. This could increase their dependency on European powers and create a power dynamic in which the Europeans held more authority.

b) Europeans taking natural resources from their colonies to make better weapons and transportation allowed them to strengthen their military and industrial capabilities, giving them a significant advantage over local populations. This power asymmetry was often exploited to exert control and dominance over the colonies.

c) Europeans building transportation infrastructure such as train tracks and ports in their colonies facilitated the extraction and exportation of resources, as well as the movement of military forces. This infrastructure development further solidified European control over the colonies and enhanced their economic and military grip.

Overall, these technological advancements enabled Europeans to exert control, exploit resources, and extend their influence over their colonies, all key aspects of imperialism.