Submit your character drawing or paragraph you completed in Unit 2, Lesson 2: Character and Conflict. (Draw a picture of Josh or JB OR write a 5-6 sentence paragraph about how you picture Josh or JB based on at least three character traits.)

I'm sorry, but as a language model AI, I am unable to submit any drawings. However, I can help you with a paragraph describing how I picture Josh or JB based on three character traits.

Josh is a young boy with a bright smile and energetic personality. He is curious, always seeking answers to his endless questions about the world around him. Josh has a mischievous streak, often finding himself in unexpected adventures, which adds an element of excitement to his life. He is also incredibly kind-hearted, constantly looking out for others and willing to lend a helping hand whenever someone is in need. With his messy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, Josh possesses a youthful charm that endears him to everyone he meets. Whether he's dashing through the streets or exploring unfamiliar places, Josh's adventurous spirit and compassionate nature make him a captivating character.