How would the story be different if it were told from a third-person point of view?

If the story were told from a third-person point of view, it would provide an outsider's perspective and give a broader view of the events and characters involved. Here are a few ways in which the story might be different:

1. Limited knowledge: In a third-person point of view, the narrator is generally not privy to the thoughts and feelings of every character. This means that the readers may not have access to the internal thoughts and emotions of the protagonist or other important characters. Instead, they would have to rely on their actions, dialogue, and external descriptions to understand them.

2. Multiple perspectives: Third-person point of view often allows the story to include multiple perspectives. The narration can switch between various characters, giving insights into their individual motivations and experiences. This would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the story and allow readers to see different sides of conflicts or events.

3. Objective narration: Third-person narration can be more objective and detached compared to a first-person narrator who may have personal biases or limited knowledge. The story's events would be presented as they are, without any personal opinions or interpretations from the narrator. This can create a more balanced and objective portrayal of the plot.

4. Enhanced world-building: Third-person narration allows for more detailed world-building. The narrator can describe the setting, historical context, and other relevant details that might not be immediately apparent to the characters themselves. This would provide readers with a richer understanding of the story's world and its intricacies.

5. Less intimacy: Unlike first-person narration, third-person point of view can create a degree of emotional distance between the readers and the characters. The readers may not feel as close or connected to the protagonist since they are observing their journey from an external perspective. However, this distance can also allow readers to have a more objective perspective and analyze the story with more clarity.

Overall, a third-person point of view in storytelling can provide a broader perspective, additional character insights, enhanced world-building, and a more objective presentation of the events.