A children's birthday party at an indoor play center costs $50 to rent the space and $6.25 per child. Gina wants to spend no more than $100 on her son's fourth birthday party. Write an inequality for the number of children who can attend the birthday party, and solve the inequality.

Let's assume the number of children who attend the birthday party is "x". The total cost will be $50 for renting the space plus $6.25 per child:

Total cost = $50 + $6.25x

The inequality for the number of children who can attend the birthday party is:
$50 + $6.25x ≤ $100

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable x:
$6.25x ≤ $50
Divide both sides of the inequality by $6.25:
x ≤ $50 / $6.25
x ≤ 8

Therefore, Gina can have a maximum of 8 children attend her son's fourth birthday party in order to spend no more than $100.