A local hamburger shop sold a combined total of 685 hamburgers and cheeseburgers on Sunday.65 There were fewer cheeseburgers sold than hamburgers. How many hamburgers were sold on Sunday?

Let's assume the number of hamburgers sold is H and the number of cheeseburgers sold is C.

We know that the total number of hamburgers and cheeseburgers sold is 685, so we can write the equation H + C = 685.

We also know that there were 65 fewer cheeseburgers sold than hamburgers, so we can write the equation C = H - 65.

Now we can substitute the second equation into the first equation to solve for H.

H + (H - 65) = 685

2H - 65 = 685

2H = 750

H = 375

Therefore, 375 hamburgers were sold on Sunday.

A total of 408 tickets were sold for the school play. They were either adult tickets or student tickets. The number of student tickets sold was two times the number of adult tickets sold. How many adult tickets were sold?

Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold is A and the number of student tickets sold is S.

We know that the total number of tickets sold is 408, so we can write the equation A + S = 408.

We also know that the number of student tickets sold is two times the number of adult tickets sold, so we can write the equation S = 2A.

Now we can substitute the second equation into the first equation to solve for A.

A + 2A = 408

3A = 408

A = 136

Therefore, 136 adult tickets were sold.