Triangle EFG is rotated 90° clockwise about the origin to create triangle E'F'G'.

Which statement is NOT true?
A If (x, y) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG, then (–x, –y) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.If ( x , y ) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG , then (– x , – y ) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.
B If (x, y) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG, then (y, –x) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.If ( x , y ) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG , then ( y, – x ) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.
C Triangle E'F'G' is congruent to triangle EFG.Triangle E'F'G' is congruent to triangle EFG .
D The angle measures of triangle E'F'G' are equal to the corresponding angle measures of triangle EFG.The angle measures of triangle E'F'G' are equal to the corresponding angle measures of triangle EFG .

D - The angle measures of triangle E'F'G' are equal to the corresponding angle measures of triangle EFG.