what is not a healthy way to deal with anger

There are several unhealthy ways to deal with anger, such as:

1. Aggressive behavior: Acting out in a physically or verbally aggressive way can cause harm to oneself or others.
2. Suppressing or ignoring your anger: While suppressing anger may seem like a peaceful approach, it can lead to unresolved feelings and potential outbursts later on.
3. Holding grudges: Holding onto anger and not letting go can result in resentment and negatively impact relationships and mental well-being.
4. Substance abuse: Turning to drugs or alcohol as a means to cope with anger can lead to addiction and further complications.
5. Taking out anger on others: Redirecting anger onto innocent people or objects can lead to harm and strained relationships.
6. Self-harm: Inflicting pain upon oneself is never a healthy way to deal with anger and can have severe consequences.