Consider the expression shown. (x−3y5z−4)⋅(x6y−7z−2)(x−3y5z−4)⋅(x6y−7z−2) Please choose the values of the exponents of x, y, and z in the simplified expression, respectively. (1 point) Responses −9−9 negative 9 33 3 −18−18 negative 18 Question 2 ,(1 point) Responses −35−35 negative 35 −12−12 negative 12 −2−2 negative 2 Question 3 , and (1 point) Responses −2−2 negative 2 88 8 −6

For the simplified expression (x−3y5z−4)⋅(x6y−7z−2)(x−3y5z−4)⋅(x6y−7z−2):

- The exponent of x is (-3) + 6 = 3.
- The exponent of y is (5) + (-7) = -2.
- The exponent of z is (-4) + (-2) = -6.

So the values of the exponents of x, y, and z in the simplified expression are 3, -2, and -6, respectively.