Meaning of the following;

Fallopian tube

Fertilization - the process in which sperm and egg cells combine to form a zygote, typically occurring in the reproductive organs.

Fallopian tube - also known as the oviduct, it is a narrow tube connecting the ovaries to the uterus, through which the egg travels during ovulation.

Oviduct - another term for the fallopian tube, the part of the female reproductive system where fertilization typically occurs.

Zygote - the initial stage of development after fertilization, when the egg and sperm combine their genetic material to form a single cell that will eventually develop into an embryo.

Embryo - the developing stage of a multicellular organism after the zygote, up until around 8 weeks in humans.

Uterus - the organ in the female reproductive system where an embryo implants and develops during pregnancy.

Pregnancy - the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus in the uterus, typically lasting about 9 months in humans.

Teenage - refers to the period of life between childhood and adulthood, typically associated with individuals aged 13 to 19 years.

Myths - widely held beliefs or ideas that are often fictional or based on false information.

Facts - information that is based on evidence or reality and can be proven to be true.

Nausea - a sensation of unease and discomfort in the stomach, often accompanied by the urge to vomit. It can be a common symptom experienced during pregnancy.