1. True or false: the √ 20 is between the integers 4 and 5.

2.If a square room has a floor with an area of 289 square feet, how long is each side of the floor?
3.If a square cube has a volume of 729 cubic feet, how long is each side of the cube?
4.Is the √65 closer to the integer 8 or 9?
5.Is the fraction ⅓ a repeating or terminating decimal?
Define) Area Formula for a square and rectangle
Define) Quantitative relationships
Define) Interpreting Irrational answers for time and money

1. False: The square root of 20 is approximately 4.47, which is not between the integers 4 and 5.

2. Each side of the square floor would be 17 feet. (square root of 289 = 17)
3. Each side of the cube would be 9 feet. (cubic root of 729 = 9)
4. The square root of 65 is closer to the integer 8.
5. The fraction ⅓ is a repeating decimal.

Area Formula:
- For a square: area = side^2
- For a rectangle: area = length × width

Quantitative relationships refer to the mathematical relationships between numerical quantities, such as ratios, proportions, equations, inequalities, and mathematical functions.

Interpreting irrational answers for time and money means understanding that irrational numbers (numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction or terminating decimal) may not have practical or realistic interpretations when dealing with time (such as hours or minutes) or money (such as dollars and cents). In such cases, approximations or rounded values may be used for practical purposes.