Maria has $50 to spend on buying apples and bananas. Apples cost $2 each and bananas cost $1.50 each. she wants to buy a total of 30 fruits the system and the graph represent the situation.

2x + 1.5y = 50.
x + y = 30

The system of equations represents the situation. The equation 2x + 1.5y = 50 represents the total cost of the apples and bananas that Maria wants to buy, while the equation x + y = 30 represents the total number of fruits she wants to buy.

The equation 2x + 1.5y = 50 can be rearranged to solve for x:
2x = 50 - 1.5y
x = (50 - 1.5y)/2

Substituting this value of x into the second equation, we get:
(50 - 1.5y)/2 + y = 30

Simplifying the equation:
50 - 1.5y + 2y = 60
-1.5y + 2y = 60 - 50
0.5y = 10
y = 10/0.5
y = 20

Substituting the value of y back into the second equation, we get:
x + 20 = 30
x = 30 - 20
x = 10

So, Maria wants to buy 10 apples and 20 bananas.