You have $80 and your sister has $110. You are saving $8 per week and your sister is saving $5 per week. Write and solve an equation to find out how many weeks it will take for you and your sister to have the same amount of money saved.

Let's assume it will take x weeks for you and your sister to have the same amount of money saved.

After x weeks, you will have saved $8 * x.
After x weeks, your sister will have saved $5 * x.

We can set up the equation: $80 + $8x = $110 + $5x.

Simplifying this equation:
$8x - $5x = $110 - $80
$3x = $30

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:
x = $30 / $3
x = 10

Therefore, it will take 10 weeks for you and your sister to have the same amount of money saved.