Use the passage from a speech by Representative Barbara Jordan to answer the question. Which rhetorical techniques are demonstrated in this passage? Select the two correct answers. (1 point) Responses metaphor metaphor hyperbole hyperbole rhetorical conditional rhetorical conditional juxtaposition juxtaposition anaphora

The original passage from a speech by Representative Barbara Jordan is not provided. However, I can explain the rhetorical techniques in general.

Rhetorical techniques are devices or strategies used in speech or writing to effectively convey a message or persuade an audience. Based on the given options, the correct rhetorical techniques are:

1) Metaphor: This technique involves using a figure of speech to compare two things without using "like" or "as." Metaphors can make language more vivid and impactful.
2) Anaphora: This technique involves repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of multiple clauses or sentences for emphasis and rhetorical effect.

The passage from Representative Barbara Jordan's speech may contain examples of metaphor and anaphora, as these are commonly used techniques in persuasive speeches. However, without the specific passage, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer.